GAVet Magazine

GAVet Magazine

Tag: GAVet Magazine

The Crisis Facing After-Hours Emergency Care

By Justin Toth, DVM, GVMA Immediate Past President During the pandemic, caseloads have increased exponentially for veterinarians throughout the country. Many hospitals are so...

Dr. Melissa Roberts- Profiles in Diversity

Associate Veterinarian, Kennesaw Mountain Animal HospitalGVMA Membership Committee Dr. Melissa was born in Germany thanks to her father’s military career. Dr. Roberts earned her...

November 15, 2021

Dr. Wendy Cuevas- Profiles in Diversity

GVMA Director of Veterinary ServicesDirector of Veterinary Services GVMA Staff Dr. Wendy Cuevas-Espelid worked in private veterinary practice in England, Florida, and Georgia for...

November 15, 2021

Dr. Hiro Iwamoto- Profiles in Diversity

Owner, Briarlake Animal HospitalGVMA Board of Directors, District 4 Dr. Hiro is an Atlanta native who started out as a software engineer. After completing...

November 15, 2021

Dr. Jonathan Bentley- GVMA Profiles in Diversity

Dr. Bentley graduated from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Bentley is an Assistant Director for the Board of Directors &...

November 14, 2021

Dr. Tasha Axam- Profiles in Diversity

Veterinary Radiologist and CEO of Axam Imaging, Inc.GVMA Board of Directors, District 4 Dr. Tasha Axam, a native of Atlanta, GA., received her Doctorate...

November 14, 2021