The GAVet Magazine

Widen your reach and create long-term engagement with a more relevant customer base.

Total Membership

0 +

Market to the influential veterinarians of the GVMA.

This doesn’t include the countless practice managers, technicians and staff throughout the state that will see your ad. Not to mention the 400+ future veterinarians (UGA DVM students) that receive our member benefits.

Print Circulation

0 +

We get your ad in front of the right people.

Reach the almost 3,000 veterinarians, technicians, students, and industry leaders throughout Georgia & the Southeast.

Veterinary Clinics

0 +

Promote your brand to decision-makers throughout the state.

Gain exposure to veterinary businesses throughout the state of Georgia, with some located in surrounding states.

Pricing Options

Multiple-Issue Discount – Ads placed four (4) times per calendar year will receive a 15% discount per ad. Payment for the total number of ads must be received in one payment at the first of the year in order to receive discounts. Classified ads are also available at a separate cost – see reservation form.

Inside front cover
7.5″ x 10″
Inside back cover
7.5″ x 10″
Outside back cover
7.5″ x 4.5″ horizontal
Full page
7.5″ x 10″
1/2 page
7.5″ x 4.5″ horizontal

Classified Ads

Are you working in a veterinary facility and looking to post about a piece of equipment or practice that's for sale? Looking for someone to purchase used equipment from? A classified posting in our GAVet Magazine may be the perfect fit for you!

Classified Advertising Policy
Classified ads are run for one issue and must be renewed in writing. A word is considered to be three characters or more. The editor reserves the right to edit copy. The GVMA does not endorse any classified ads.

GVMA Members
First 35 words: FREE
First 35 Words: $35
Additional words: $1 each
Additional words: $1 each