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Trending Topics: VetSouth2023

3 Most Popular Topics So Far We’re always bringing new topics to VetSouth each year, but our attendees make it known which topics they...

September 12, 2023

GVMA and the State Board of Veterinary Medicine

Spot the difference: GVMA and the State Board of Veterinary Medicine The GVMA is a membership organization—governed by a Board of Directors with representatives...

August 22, 2023

Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association: Maui Wildfires

A Message from Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association If you are interesting in providing assistance to those affected by the recent wildfires on Maui, we...

August 14, 2023

Itchy Pet Month: Food Allergy Dermatitis

Food Allergy Dermatitis: How To Perform A Proper Food Trial By Tomeshia Hubbard, DVM  Introduction  Food allergy is an immune mediated non-toxic adverse reaction to...

July 23, 2023

National Pollinator Week: Apitherapy and Honey Bees

In the past, it was up to the hobbyist or commercial beekeeper to maintain the health of their bees, but as the risk of...

June 20, 2023

Pet Preparedness Month 2023

As veterinary professionals, our primary focus is caring for others. During Pet Preparedness Month, we urge you to assess your readiness in safeguarding your...

June 7, 2023

Is It Food Allergies, Atopy or What? Nutrition to the Rescue

Is It Food Allergies, Atopy or What? Nutrition to the Rescue Sherry Sanderson, BS, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVIM, Dipl ACVN University of Georgia-College of...

Talking About Heartworm: We know preventives are important, but do our clients know as well?

Talking About Heartworm: We know preventives are important, but do our clients know as well?   Andrew R. Moorhead, DVM, MS, Ph.D., Dip. ACVM  Heartworm...

April 19, 2023

FDA GFI 263: What You Need to Know

What You Need to Know FDA’s GFI #263 aims to combat antimicrobial resistance, which threatens animal and public health. AMR arises from antimicrobial use...

April 11, 2023