V.I.T.A.L. Updates: Georgia Senate Bill 410

Staying ahead of legislative developments is crucial. At GVMA, our commitment to our members extends beyond professional growth – it encompasses a vigilant advocacy role that has a tangible impact on the industry. Recently, our legislative watchdog capabilities played a pivotal role in the development of Georgia Senate Bill 410.

What does SB 410 say?

Georgia Senate Bill 410 addresses the shortage of veterinarians available to perform spays and neuters. The bill allows veterinarians licensed in other states the opportunity to apply for a temporary license in Georgia to perform spays and neuters at any government or non-profit organization. The temporary license expires after 6 months.

Example of what SB 410 allows: A veterinarian licensed in another state can apply for a temporary license to perform spays and neuters at a government or non-profit facility for up to 6 months.

Example of what SB 410 does not allow: A veterinarian licensed in Florida cannot bring their mobile spay/neuter unit into Georgia and perform spays/neuters and leave.

Our proactive involvement allowed us to represent veterinary medicine and ensure the bill aligns with the best interests of both practitioners and the communities they serve. By leveraging our strong relationships within the community, we are uniquely positioned as key stakeholders in the legislative process, advocating for a positive change that benefits all involved parties.

We are always interested in hearing your feedback, questions, or concerns. Let us know your thoughts by emailing us at gvma@gvma.net.