Updated Rules Released by Georgia State Board of Vet Med

Check out our breakdown of new or amended rules in affect as of 12/29/2022:


Rule 700-8-.01 [Effective 12/29/2022] Unprofessional Conduct
Within the meaning of Ga. Code subsection 43-50-21(a)(7), unprofessional conduct means:

(f) Failure to cooperate with an investigation of the board to include but not limited to allowing agents of the Board to inspect veterinary premises and equipment, including mobile veterinary clinics.

NOTEABLE CHANGES: Rule 700-8-.01(f), highlighted in yellow, has been added to Rule 700-8.


Rule 700-12-.08 [Effective 12/29/2022] Surgical Standards

(1) A licensed veterinarian employed at a veterinary facility must ensure that the following criteria pertaining to surgical standards are met if surgical procedures are performed in the facility:
(a) Dose, type and strength of anesthesia, and weight and physical exam findings must be recorded in the patient record.
(b) Name of licensed veterinarian performing the surgery must be recorded in the patient record.
(c) A surgery table must be used for non-ambulatory procedures. Such table must have an impervious surface suitable for cleaning and disinfecting. The surgical area must be clean, orderly, and well illuminated. If the practitioner does not use a surgery table, the rationale for foregoing its use must be documented within the patient record.
(d) All surgery must be performed by a licensed veterinarian utilizing aseptic technique as appropriate for the procedure.
(e) Surgical equipment must be sterilized in the following manner:

  1. Cold sterilization must be limited to instruments used in minor procedures or limited to those instruments that cannot be sterilized otherwise.
  2. Surgical instruments other than those applicable to (e)(1). above must be sterilized utilizing autoclave, gas, or other technique acceptable to the Board.

(f) Oxygen and equipment for administration must be available.
(g) For patients under general anesthesia for more than five minutes an endotracheal tube must be utilized as appropriate for the procedure.
(h) For patients under general anesthesia monitoring and vital signs must be recorded at intervals in accordance with minimal standards.
(i) Warming devices for patients undergoing general anesthesia is required as appropriate.
(j) Pain management is required for patients undergoing surgical procedures.

(k) Facilities and equipment for resuscitation must be readily available as appropriate.

NOTEABLE CHANGES: The highlighted sentences for rule 700-12.08(1) are newly added rules. Changes to Rule 700-12.08(1)(e) 1.: “or other procedures as appropriate” was removed.

Rule 700-12-.09 [Effective 12/29/2022] Examination Area

The yellow highlighted sentences for rule have been added and are new rules to adhere to.

(1) A licensed veterinarian employed at a veterinary facility must ensure that the following criteria pertaining to the examination area are met:
(a) Area must be maintained in a clean and orderly manner.
(b) Impervious waste receptacle must be provided.
(c) Disposable towels and a sink must be readily accessible as appropriate. A sink in a restroom is not considered acceptable.
(d) The examination table must have an impervious surface suitable for cleaning and disinfecting.
(e) Minimum Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards must be in place for patient and client safety.

NOTEABLE CHANGES: The highlighted sentences for rule 700-12.09(1) are newly added rules.

Rule 700-12-.11 [Effective 12/29/2022] Patient Care

(1) For hospitalized or sick patients that are maintained in a veterinary facility, a licensed veterinarian or licensed veterinary technician must physically evaluate each patient daily.
(a) Patients recovering from anesthesia must be properly monitored.
(b) For hospitalized and sick patients, the licensed veterinarian must have appropriate measures in place to ensure patient comfort.
(2) For boarded animals that are maintained in a veterinary facility, a licensed veterinarian or his or her designee must physically visit the facility and see each animal daily.

NOTEABLE CHANGES: The highlighted sentences for rule 700-12.11(1)(b.) and 700-12.11(2) are newly added rules. Changes to Rule 700-12.12(1)(a): “as appropriate” was removed.