Wondering if You Might Benefit from Mental Wellness Support? These Self-Assessment Tools Could be a Good Start.

Mental health conditions are real, common, and treatable. Self-assessment tools can be a great way to increase mental health self-awareness as a first step toward optimizing mental health and well-being. 

AVMA offers an excellent online Quality of Life (QOL) Self-Assessment tool. This validated self-assessment tool was developed for human health care providers and measures the negative and positive effects of helping others.  The tool is designed to provide introspection about one’s self and one’s environment as a starting point for change.  AVMA also provides a variety of self-help resources that can be utilized in conjunction with this self-assessment.

Princeton University offers a Wellness-Wheel Self-Assessment .  This tool acknowledges that wellness is not merelyt the absence of illness or distress but is, rather, a lifelong process of making decisions to live a more balanced and meaningful life.  This self-assessment tool is based on the integration of 7 important dimensions of wellness:  emotional, environmental, intellectual, occupation, social, and spiritual.  The self-assessment and resources are freely available but joining the community as a member allows access to additional guidance. 

If certain issues have been causing problems in your life and you are not sure how to make the necessary changes, therapy can help.  This Mental Health Self-Assessment offered by Psychology Today can help you decide if seeing a therapist would be helpful to you.

Mental Health America (MHA) offers a menu of self-assessment tools for specific mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.  The MHA website also lists resources for a wide variety of mental health conditions.To access additional wellness resources, visit the GVMA Wellness Webpage