Results of the 2020 GVMA Mental Health Survey

Results of the 2020 GVMA Mental Health Survey

If you feel that you are struggling and that the past 15 months have been particularly difficult, you are not alone.  A 2020 mental health survey sent to GVMA members revealed the following:

  • 51% of respondents reported a decrease in their sense of wellness in 2020.
  • 50% of respondents reported struggling with one or more of the following:  depression, anxiety, fatigue, difficulty with work-life balance, trouble sleeping.

In open ended responses, many respondents self-reported that:

  • They feel busier than ever at work to the point of extreme overwork
  • They feel ill-equipped to balance their personal and family life with work responsibilities. 
  • They feel that they lack enough time to invest in their own mental health and wellness.

If these findings resonate with your own experience in some way, it might be helpful to complete a mental health self-assessment. Self-assessment tools can be a great way to increase mental health self-awareness.  It is sometimes said that “we can’t tame what we can’t name.”  Naming our struggles can be the first step to finding the help we need—whether that be therapy, skill building, or even simply reaching out to someone in our lives who can help.

To access additional wellness resources, visit the GVMA Wellness Webpage