Wondering How to Pay for Mental Health Care? Here are Some Options.

Health Insurance

Insurance coverage for therapy will depend on your particular plan’s behavioral health benefits.  Some plans require a co-pay per session, others cover the total cost of the session, and some ask you to pay out-of-pocket until a deductible is reached.  You should call the member services or behavioral health line listed on the back of your insurance card to find out more information about your benefits.  Ask if pre-authorization is required.  It is also helpful to ask what your out-of-network benefits are in case you would like to see a therapist who does not accept insurance and if there is a difference in coverage for in-person versus telehealth sessions. 

Some plans will partially or fully reimburse you for the cost of therapy if you submit what’s called a Superbill, provided by your out-of-network therapist.  It should be noted, however, that insurance company will require an official diagnosis, treatment plans, and progress noted in order to process your behavioral health claim.  This means that your therapist will have to provide a mental health diagnosis at the intake appointment and details of your treatment each session in order for you to submit a claim to your insurance company.  This information will become a permanent part of your medical record but is protected under HIPAA.

Private Pay

If private pay is your only option and it is difficult for you to pay, online resources may be available at a lower-cost.  You may also be able to find a therapist who is able to offer therapy on a sliding scale or at a reduced rate for those experiencing financial distress.  You might also qualify for a support grand through Not One More Vet.

Not One More Vet Support Grants

This is a grant program where the money is designated to help individuals (including students) in the veterinary field who need financial or other support. Grants of up to $1000.00 are available.  This grant cannot be used to repay student loans of pay for tuition but can be used for many other thing including groceries, rent, utilities, and medical bills.  Applicants may also be eligible for non-cash resources including relief staffing, CE help, and household supplies.  Apply at Not One More Vet

To access additional wellness resources, visit the GVMA Wellness Webpage