From the AI Task Force: Emerging Technology Terms

Explaining Automation, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networking, and Large Language Models in Veterinary Practice

Thank you to Dr. Duffy Jones for this article and your continued dedication to our AI Task Force.

Register for our upcoming LEAP CE webinar: Intelligent Use of AI: the Opportunities and Requirements Related to the Use of New Technologies in the Practice of Veterinary Medicine

Speakers: Dr. Duffy Jones and Don Riddick, Esq.
Date: August 7, 2024
Time: 7:00pm – 8:40pm EST

In today’s rapidly evolving world, technology plays an increasingly significant role in various professions, including veterinary medicine. For veterinarians with limited technology knowledge, understanding key concepts like automation, machine learning, deep neural networking, and large language models can be daunting. Let’s break down these terms and explore how they are applied in your veterinary practice.


Automation is like having an assistant that can perform repetitive tasks efficiently. In veterinary practice, automation can include appointment scheduling systems, inventory management software, or even automatic reminders for patient follow-ups. It reduces manual work, minimizes errors, and enhances the overall workflow.

For example, automated appointment reminders ensure pet owners don’t forget their visits, and inventory management software helps track medical supplies, ensuring you never run out of essential items. Automation simplifies administrative tasks, allowing you to focus more on patient care.

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to learn and improve from experience. In your veterinary practice, machine learning can assist in diagnosing diseases based on medical data and patient histories. It can analyze X-rays, lab results, and other medical records to provide more accurate diagnoses.

Machine learning algorithms can also predict disease outbreaks in specific regions, helping you take preventive measures. While the technology does require some initial training and data input, it can significantly improve diagnostic accuracy and treatment plans.

Deep Neural Networking

Deep neural networks are like the brains of AI systems. They consist of interconnected layers of artificial neurons that process information similar to how the human brain works. In veterinary medicine, deep neural networks can be used for image recognition tasks, such as identifying specific animal breeds or spotting anomalies in medical images like MRI scans.

For instance, deep neural networks can help identify rare diseases by analyzing patterns in medical images, leading to faster and more accurate diagnoses. While complex, these networks offer immense potential for improving medical imaging and diagnostics.

Large Language Models

Large language models, such as GPT-3.5, are advanced AI systems that understand and generate human-like text. In your veterinary practice, they can assist in research, answering pet owners’ questions, or even automating administrative tasks like drafting emails or reports.

These models excel at understanding context and generating coherent responses, making them valuable tools for communication and information retrieval.

In summary, automation streamlines administrative tasks, machine learning improves diagnostics, deep neural networks enhance image analysis, and large language models assist in communication and information retrieval. Embracing these technologies can help veterinarians provide better care for their patients while reducing the administrative burden. Technology is here to assist you, making your practice more efficient and effective. Embrace it, and you’ll see the positive impact on your veterinary journey.

Want to learn more about AI and other emerging technologies?

Register for our upcoming LEAP CE webinar: Intelligent Use of AI: the Opportunities and Requirements Related to the Use of New Technologies in the Practice of Veterinary Medicine

Speakers: Dr. Duffy Jones and Don Riddick, Esq.
Date: August 7, 2024
Time: 7:00pm – 8:40pm EST