New Program to be available for Georgia Veterinarians Seeking Treatment for Addiction and/or Impairment

The GVMA is pleased to announce that the Professionals Health Program (PHP) is one step closer to implementation.  Passed by the General Assembly with unanimous support and signed into law on 1/1/21, PHP will allow for veterinarians seeking treatment for addiction/impairment to enter into a medical program of treatment.  As long as the individual is complying with the treatment requirements, their current licensure will be protected. 

The Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine (SBVM) is supportive of this measure and recently met to outline a decision tree designed to most effectively use PHP resources to the fullest extent.  The SBVM will meet again on 6/23/21 to further discuss the program.  It is our hope that final approval will be awarded in the near future.  Stay tuned for updates.