Relief Veterinarians

Relief Veterinarians

Search the Relief Vet Directory

Please Note: In order to access the Relief Vet Directory or be included in the directory, you must be a current GVMA member.

two people shake hands

How to Add Your Name to the Relief Vet Directory

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your GVMA Membership Profile.
  2. Click on “My Profile”, then click the “Edit Profile” button.
  3. Scroll down to the “Directory Listing: Include in Online Relief Vet Directory” item and select “Yes”.
  4. Under “Directory Listing: Relief Practice Type”, select the type of medicine you will be practicing as a relief veterinarian.
    • You can select multiple options by holding CTRL on your keyboard as you click each option
  5. Under “Directory Listing: Relief Counties Serviced”, choose the counties you are willing to travel to and work in as a relief vet.
  6. Lastly, under “Directory Listing: Relief Contact Phone Number”, provide the phone number in which you would like inquiries to be sent.
  7. Click “Save” and you will be instantly added to the relief veterinarian list.

REMEMBER: You may go into your profile and update this information as often as you like. If your plans change and you are no longer available, please be sure to change this record. You are responsible for keeping your profile information up to date.