Veterinary Legislation in Motion: GVMA At Work at the Capitol

This legislative session has put veterinary medicine in the spotlight, with multiple bills that could directly impact the profession.

Five bills specifically address veterinary concerns, four more include broader animal-related issues, and one focuses on continuing education requirements for veterinarians.

With hundreds of bills under consideration, this represents a significant legislative load for our profession. The Georgia Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA) is closely monitoring these developments and actively advocating at the Capitol to ensure veterinary voices are heard. As these bills move to the opposite chamber, we’ll continue to provide updates and opportunities for members to engage.

Bills in Veterinary Medicine

SB 20

Creates a veterinary loan repayment plan for veterinarians practicing shelter medicine.

PASSED in the Senate

SB 105

Extends the VCPR to associates within the same physical practice and creates guidelines for teleservices – including an option for veterinary deserts.

PASSED in the Senate

HB 88

Creates a veterinary loan repayment plan for veterinary technicians in rural areas.

Did not get picked on Crossover day, hope to see again next year.

HB 91

Creates a limited license for veterinary specialists who graduated from a foreign veterinary school and completed their residency and passed their Boards in the United States.

Did not pass the House Crossover day, hope to see again next year.

HB 172

Extends the Food Animal Veterinary Loan Repayment program to a three year program with up to $100,000 reimbursed.

GVMA Position: SUPPORT (Food Animal VLRP)
PASSED in the Senate

Bills that Include Animals

SB 102

Cockfighting will become illegal.

PASSED in the Senate

HB 177

Provides protection for household pets in both family violence and dating violence protective orders.

PASSED in the House

HB 331

Prohibits the sale or barter of dogs, cats and domestic rabbits in certain unregulated locations such as parking lots, roadsides, and seasonal flea markets (with exemptions for licensed shelters and rescues). Does not prevent transfers that take place at a seller’s residence or place of business or inside a veterinary office.

PASSED in the House

HB 614

Authorize local governments to prohibit the use or ignition of consumer fireworks in proximity to certain facilities housing equines.

PASSED in the House

HB 34

Establishes on behalf of professional licensing boards under the jurisdiction of the office of the Secretary of State a continuing education tracking solution to monitor compliance of licensees with applicable continuing education requirements

PASSED in the House

Stay tuned for more details on the progress of these bills and how you can support GVMA’s advocacy efforts. Your voice matters in shaping the future of veterinary medicine in Georgia!