From the Compass: Workplace Culture

How to Define People’s Differences

It is truly amazing how differently people view the world: how their likes, dislikes, skills, and preferences shape the way they think, feel, and behave. People are all a kaleidoscope of different attributes, but it’s possible to arrange these differences into key categories.

For some people, arranging attributes, styles, and personalities into groups questions their concept of being a unique snowflake in the world. However, clearly defining people’s differences in key areas can help you efficiently and effectively communicate, collaborate, and operate together.

Defining and categorising differences is not a new concept. Many would have heard of the Myer Briggs Type Indicator and DISC (dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance/conscientiousness) profiling. This looks at individual’s different preferences in the way they communicate, make decisions, weigh up information, and draw their energy. Both are very good models.

This article will utilize the Myer Briggs Type Indicator. Although, not as “sexy” as the DISC profile, it clearly outlines the four different continuums, which define people’s preferences as humans. This can make defining differences easier. For example, the extrovert–introvert continuum is one of the four continuums highlighted in this model.

The Myer Briggs type indicator defines differences across these four continuums.

  1. Extrovert–Introvert refers to how people get their energy—from internal reflection or group energy?
  2. Sensing–Intuition is what drives you—Are you “little picture,” detail-orientated, and driven by what is possible today, or a big-picture dreamer driven by the possibilities of tomorrow?
  3. Thinking–Feeling defines how you make decisions—Do you focus on what is logically the best decision, or are you influenced by the impact (particularly on others) of your decision? In other words, are you analytical or humanistic?
  4. Judging–Perceiving refers to how people organize their lives—Are you planned and methodical, and do you like being ready/finished early, or do you arrive/finish last minute, pressure prompted, and are flexible?

Looking at these four key defining areas on a continuum helps you to easily draw comparisons between yourself and others. It can help you to understand why you come to different conclusions when presented with the same information. It also explores why you may work in very different styles or go about problem-solving in different ways. In a team and leadership context, awareness of how people differ can help propagate enhanced team performance.

There is no correct or better combination of the above preferences.

Those preferring to operate more in line with the perceiving end of the continuum can help those more aligned with the judging side to respond to last-minute changes to client requests or changes in circumstances. Meanwhile, those preferring the judging side can help the perceiving people to stay on track and not leave things too late. Extroverts are good at getting in a room and sharing ideas. However, introverts are more adept at listening to what those ideas are and sifting through what is good and what is lousy. Those driven by picture and “the possibilities” are great at setting a vision and goal. However, those more driven by reality (sensing) and the process help put those ideas into action and see them through.

It’s essential to understand how these differences can be utilized to a team’s advantage to be a great contributor and leader. Getting annoyed at your coworker because they’re seeing things differently or being quiet is ineffective. This will invariably break down your team’s performance.

Open discussion within your team about the differences that exist, each individual’s strengths, and when these apply can help define and utilize these differences effectively. This is more constructive than letting them splinter and divide your team. This also helps assign the appropriate tasks to the appropriate people, setting them up for success. There’s no point asking the perceiving person to organize the conference, and there’s no point getting the intuitive person to write the to-do list.

Veretis. (Revised 2024 [Ed.]). How to define our differences? (B. Schuette & E. Morton, Eds.). Raleigh, NC: Workplace Options (WPO).Chasque aquí para la versión Española.