Finding Talent During Labor Chaos: A Reality Check and Practical Solutions for Attracting, Growing and Retaining Veterinarians and Staff
Presented by Jeff Raymond Sanford, M.B.A., PhD ABD; Director of Financial Literacy and Practice Outreach at UGA College of Veterinary Medicine
Provides 1 non-medical CE Credit Hour via Zoom Webinar
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
6 – 7:00 pm
This event is intended to prep your practice for hiring and retaining veterinarians and staff and is open exclusively to GVMA Members, at no cost!
Jeff Sanford, M.B.A., PhD ABD
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
Director of Financial Literacy and Practice Outreach
Mr. Sanford teaches Practice Management at the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine and consults with veterinarians in Georgia and across the country. Since 2002, he has taught practice management at UGA CVM and has expanded his role in supporting financial literacy for students and providing guidance with employment contracts and negotiations. Each year Mr. Sanford reviews over 60 employment contracts and offers 3 contract negotiation labs to 3rd and 4th year veterinary students. He teaches specialized business education programs for veterinarians and has developed industry assessment tools including the Veterinary Engagement Surveys, Practice Mapping Growth Tool, Practice Performance Health Check, Strategic Marketing Assessment for Veterinary Practices, Activity Based Costing Analysis for Understanding Fees Structures and the Practice Valuation Assessment. Mr. Sanford piloted practice management rotations in 2007 at the UGA CVM and has expanded the program to University of Florida, Auburn, North Carolina State, Michigan State, UC Davis and Washington State. Today over 400 students and 300 practices have participated in the rotations. Many participating practices have had recorded revenue growth in excess of 30% a year and profits above 30% of gross. Overall, Mr. Sanford has evaluated over 900 practices. His accomplishments include assisting veterinarians to start, buy or sell practices with a capital formation of over $500 million. Mr. Sanford was the 2014 recipient of the Walter Barnard Hill Fellow Award which is UGA’s highest award for teaching and contributions to improving the quality of life in Georgia or elsewhere. He is currently finishing his PhD work in Adult Education.
If you can’t attend this webinar, stay tuned for further announcements on upcoming dates. You can also view our Calendar here.