Johns Hopkins Psychological First Aid Training

Interested in learning how you can respond to the mental health needs of your work or home community in the event of a disaster?

The Johns Hopkins’ Psychological First Aid training is now available online and is being offered free of charge.   This course is aimed at training non-mental health professionals in a methodology for offering an immediate response to the acute mental health support needs of communities impacted by natural and man-made disasters.

This course will help you learn how to effectively and confidently administer care by using the RAPID (Reflective Listening, Assessment of Needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition) model in traumatic situations. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply reflective listening strategies (to a given scenario)
  • Design a needs assessment to distinguish between benign and incapacitating psychological/behavioral reactions
  • Recognize more severe, potentially incapacitating, reactions
  • Assess the need to mitigate acute distress, as appropriate
  • Determine when to facilitate access to further mental health support
  • Develop a plan to practice self-care.

Intrigued?  Click here to take the course: